Stuff I’m Good At

People are always asking me. “So, what are you really good at?” Here is a random sampling of my answers to this oft asked question.

Parallel parking, making lists of cool stuff, painting stuff that is easy to paint, fantasy baseball, choosing books by thier covers, grilling chicken, buying my wife presents, reading quickly, finding cool music on iTunes, finding dogs to bring home and annoy my wife, making travel plans, having fun, finding ways to legally beat the system.

On the other hand, here are some things that I am not good at.

Checking e-mail with any regularity, spelling, returning phone calls, picnic tables, taking awe-inspiring photographs, running, making fire, fixing stuff, picking up my clothes from the floor.

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4 Responses to Stuff I’m Good At

  1. jared says:

    I would add to your list: doing your part to create a cool kid, teaching wednesday nights, adding bacon to things, adding bacon to things and still losing weight, throwing entertaining v-day parties….

  2. jeremygibson says:

    Thanks Jared. I am always thankful for good people like you who actually take the bait that I’m throwing out there and tell me good stuff about me.

  3. allisonkirksey says:

    Jeremy, I absolutely loved this post. Ryan and I agree that you should also add something about your ability to make up games, mini-quizzes. lists, etc. that keep everyone entertained. No one else could make a road trip to Nashville that much fun…

  4. Karen says:

    OK, moms have to add to the good stuff list…
    being the world’s best son
    making me laugh
    teaching me the joys of baseball
    playing trivial pursuit
    giving good hugs
    thinking of others before yourself
    loving my grandson
    picking out a wonderful daughter-in-law for us
    and I could go on and on…..

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